Chapel Nights will resume January 16

We are coming together as a diverse community to make much of the beauty of Jesus and seek God’s renewal presence

A weekly night of worship that we are inviting both youth students (Grades 6-12), as well as our young adults (twenty-somethings) are invited to join us.

  • Born out of a desire to encounter the precense of God on a deeper level, we’re setting aside time during the week to press in. We believe that there is a calling for the young people of our Church and so we’re prayerfully launching this worship gathering with one thing as the top priority: Seeking first, God and His Kingdom.

  • We are inviting both those who fit into the youth-aged demographic (Grades 6-12), as well as our young adults (twenty-somethings) to join us. Chapel Nights is not a youth gathering, nor is it a young adults gathering. It is a weekly night of worship that we are inviting a broad cohort of our Church to be a part of.

    We do this intentionally. We feel that the Church at its best is multi-generational, and we see these nights as an opportunity to grow in our faith alongside people in different seasons and stages of the journey. It is our hope to see those who are younger in the room compelled to follow Jesus more deeply as they see those older pursuing Him, and those who are older in the room modelling what vibrant faith looks for those younger than them.

  • Usually we begin with some more casual hangout time. We will have snacks, spaces for conversation, as well as some different games and activities around the room. If you are a youth student, we have a team of leaders who will be there to say hello, hang out with you, and introduce you to new people.

    After this hangout time, someone will rally us together for a time of worship. To worship is to lift our eyes to the love of Jesus, and we see it as central to why we gather. After worship, we will share any updates and play a game, and then we move into our teaching. Each week, we open up our Bibles to discover more about who Jesus is. From there, we will move back into a time of worship or into a small group conversation where we can debrief what we have learned and share any questions we have.

  • We gather on Thursday evenings, from 6:45-8:45 at Relate Church.

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
— Acts 2:1-4