When I think of the word 'comfort’, a list of material things pops into my head. It ranges from indulging in a hamburger and crispy fries, to being at the beach where I can relax and enjoy down time in the sun. Whatever it may be, it’s not the same comfort that is found through the support that we receive from loved ones.
I can think of various times in my life that I’ve gone through difficult circumstances. An example would be when I got my first job after collage. It was such a great opportunity, I got to apply what I had just learned in school and gain more experience in that field. At first, it was great but over time due to some changes with management, the atmosphere became toxic. Eventually it got so bad that I knew it was time to move on. The only thing was I didn't have the sufficient experience required to move to something else, and I was carrying a financial burden. With student loan debt and other living expenses I felt so overwhelmed; I really didn’t know how to move forward. I am so thankful for those who were aware and stepped in to help me and support me through that time.
At one point or another, we all face those circumstances that seem so difficult and dark, it leaves you wondering how in the world you're ever going to get passed it. In the midst of those circumstances, it wouldn’t matter how much we indulge in material things that may bring comfort, the feeling of being overwhelmed and wanting to quit would still be there.
This is where family comes in. How encouraging it is having family and loved ones there that can encourage you during those times. I’m so glad that we were not created to do life alone. I believe that God’s intention for a family unit is help each other out by supporting and building each other up. It's that support and encouragement that helps us move forward. Not only is it good to be built up, but it is an honour to be able to help and support those who you get to do life with.
Paul writes about it in 1 Thessalonians 5:11:
11 Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing. (NKJV)
For some of us, that may be hard to find in our biological families and for that reason I am thankful for our church family. I believe God’s answer to family is the church. Church is more than just a building, it's a community of God’s family where we can gather, encourage, comfort, support and build one another up.
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