Psalm 82:3 The Voice (VOICE)
3 “Stand up for the poor and the orphan;
advocate for the rights of the afflicted and those in need.
Anyone who has spent a little time with me would know that I have a passion for the nations. I find it fascinating to learn about other cultures and to glean wisdom from how they do life. In my journey’s, I have seen firsthand the plight of the poor and orphans. One of my dearest friends has a ministry in Ethiopia that provides support for orphaned children. While the practical help of food, clothing, schooling and medical aid is crucial to their physical survival, of just as much importance is the need for a place to belong. Community. Family. It’s a need that we ALL have in our lives.
I encourage us all to begin to open our eyes within our own communities and realize that that there are people who feel abandoned, orphaned through the trauma of their own experiences. All around us, in every demographic, we find those who are vulnerable, oppressed or exploited and in need of advocates to stand up on their behalf. The word advocate is powerful. One definition says an advocate is a person who pleads for or on behalf of another; an intercessor.
Thank God who understands and knows the need for an Advocate in our own lives. As Jesus is now seated at the right-hand of the Father, He did not abandon us but said He would give us the Holy Spirit to be our Advocate. How reassuring to know that regardless of what I face, no matter how overwhelming life can sometimes seem, I have an advocate to help guide me through life.
Jesus has commissioned us to be like Him & to follow His example. When we allow God’s love to truly lead us with compassion, we will find that we lead with our heart. This takes a willingness to sacrifice of self as we typically want to justify all the reasons why we can’t reach out to advocate for those in need. For example, lack of time, lack of expertise or lack of finances. Compassion will compel us to reach within in order to reach out. When we do, I believe we will begin to see and hear what he does. We will do as He has so graciously done in each of our lives. We will be compelled to pass it on. The old adage, ‘People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care’ often opens the door of opportunity to invite hurting humanity to experience the love of Christ….leading them to an opportunity to belong to God’s family.