Successful: a word we hear often and typically relate to someone’s financial well being, social status, health, or even spiritual knowledge. I find that everyone perceives success in a different way which is fascinating. What one person draws motivation for or from could be completely irrelevant to the next person. We are surrounded by a society that tells us that we need more things, we need more money, we need to eat this or that, we are not good enough.
God has worked on my heart in this area significantly over the last 10 years. My identity and worth isn’t something that can be measured by man. I received a new identity in Christ when I accepted the gift of salvation. Essentially I received a heart transplant that allowed me to walk in the freedom of God’s kingdom knowing that I was completely forgiven… matter what. This realization was not one that came easily to me and I often have to remind my mind of what my heart knows.
I find it challenging to keep my identity top of mind when I go about my day. The 21 days of prayer and fasting has been a great reminder for me to stop and refocus on what God is doing in my life. The act of stopping to appreciate the success that God has already completed in and through us is an amazing practice. When I look back on my day, year, decade or even lifetime I cannot help but be filled with gratitude for the abundance God has poured out time and time again. The success being that God and I walked through life together intimately whether I recognized it or not. His fingerprints are all over our daily journeys through the good times in and the tough times.
I would like to challenge you today to stop, and identify the successful relationship you have had with your Lord and Saviour. Reflect on: moments in time that he worked through you to help others, seasons where his presence was very tangible, the tough times that he lifted you up when you were weak, times of revelation about who he is as a father. He is a good father and he loves you more than you can comprehend! The success story of your life will not be measured by standards of this world, but will be a life long celebration of your relationship with your father.
2 Corinthians 5:17
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Brent Driediger
Relate Valley Dream Team
Pray for: Forgiveness
Ephesians 4:32
Pray to receive the gift of forgiveness well, and pray for a spirit of compassion and kindness to permeate our lives. Pray that we would forgive by default, and that we would be able to release and move past deep hurts. Pray that we imitate Jesus and reflect His goodness by being a church that forgives easily.