Just thinking of the word makes me think deep – like REAL deep. It is definitely a weighty topic with so much meat, and as much as we may try to avoid thinking about it, we do – or have, at some point. At least that’s the impression I get from the many conversations I’ve had with people. It’s interesting how everybody has different thoughts and opinions on their own personal purpose, but the one thing that everyone seems to agree on is that purpose gives life more meaning, and meaning gives life direction.
Have you ever met anyone that seemed lost in life? Like they just didn’t know where they were going or why they were doing what they were doing? I think it might be because they don’t know, or see, their purpose. It’s as if their lack of drive to do anything meaningful is due to their lack of direction, making their life choices seem... scrambled and in disarray. It’s kind of a sad thing to see, isn’t it? Because when you see someone who does know where they’re going, I think you’ll agree that person’s entire persona gives off such a positive vibe, is full of life, and you can see a spark in their eyes.
To be honest, I’m not sure I know what my purpose is yet. And to be REALLY honest, I’ve struggled with it since having a child because I’ve felt like being a mom might be my ONLY purpose now. For someone who’s always kept busy with projects, meetings, and planning, being forced to slow down and divert most of my time, energy, and attention to a child really took a toll on me. It still does from time to time, but something I’m realizing is that our purpose can look a little different in different seasons, and each season serves as part of our life’s purpose. What is undeniable, though, is that whatever season we’re in, it’s a million times better with people. In fact, there is something about being connected to people that makes life more rich and satisfying, isn’t there? Relationships can steer our direction and give our purpose even more meaning.
Personally, I think everyone is seeking these two things: purpose and relationship – which is so spot on to what Jesus says in John 10:10. He says, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” People are longing for a life of fulfillment and Jesus came to provide just that – say what?! That sounds like someone with an intention to build a good, life-long relationship to me!
What a relief to know that we’re meant to have a full life and that we’re supposed to enjoy it to the fullest. We don’t have to take life so seriously! Friend, we don’t have to be lost in this world. Having purpose might sound like a weight to carry, yet it’s an enjoyable privilege to find purpose in every season, and to know that we’re never meant to carry it alone.