My alarm went off this morning on my first day back to work after a little vacation and just like every other day of my life, the first thing I did was make a decision. In this case it was to get up. Apparently, we make around 30,000 choices in a day according to the internet. If I do the math, then for me that would be approximately 657,000,000 decisions I’ve made in my lifetime. Some of the best decisions I’ve made are to follow Christ and to marry Jacquie. Some of the worst being the time I water ballooned that professional wrestler’s vehicle, or the time I jumped out of a boat going at full speed, or the time I ate that gas station burrito, etcetera, etcetera.
Some big, some small. Some that mattered and some that didn’t.
Our lives are the sum of our choices. This over that. God’s way or my way.
But why do I want to make decisions God’s way? Why does it matter if I make decisions based on the Bible? The same reason I go to any owner’s manual when I want to know how or why. God’s blueprint for your life is the best for your life. He’s your creator, your designer. Who better to listen to? It’s not about appeasing Him, it’s about Him wanting your life uncluttered and uncomplicated. It frees your life when you make choices according to His Word.
John 8:36 TPT So if the Son sets you free from sin, then become a true son and be unquestionably free!
Trust Him with those areas of your life that you know He’s asking you to surrender. Be more loyal to your future than your past. Choose Him. It’s not about being perfect in your choices, it’s about allowing God into your choices and if you miss it, I’ve heard it said that God is like GPS, always recalculating to get you back to Him and back on His path.
Marvin McGee
Executive Pastor
Pray for: Wisdom
Proverbs 4:6-7
Pray for a holy perspective, wisdom and discernment to make the best decisions. Pray for God’s purpose to prevail. Pray for wise counsellors and godly friends. Pray for wisdom personally, and corporately - that we would be people who listen for the wisdom of the Spirit and have the strength and courage to follow through with what we receive.