21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Thirteen

I am a homebody.  I absolutely love being at home.  Home is where I find my peace and where I find my rest.  It is where I feel the most comfortable.  Not only do I find this comfort in the peaceful atmosphere of our little basement suite, but I experience the same feeling when my husband comes home from work.  This feeling of comfort and rest does not come from any particular action or conversation we engage in, but solely from being in one another’s presence.  Some days it is as simple as being in the same space, with no words, but knowing we are both there.  Home is the place where my physical body finds true rest.  Do you know the feeling? 

I recently read a question by Judah Smith that moved my world.  The power and profoundness of it has resonated so deeply with me:  “If my physical body needs to regularly go home in order to be healthy, what about my soul?”

Going home is natural.  It is where you go when you are done work.  It is where you wake up in the morning.  It evokes the feelings of what I shared above.  So why does our relationship with God not always feel that natural, especially when soul rest is so vital to our spiritual health? 

I think the reason will differ for all of us.  Personally, my natural tendency is to turn things into habits and to-do lists.  But the last thing I want for my relationship with God is for it to just be a habit.  I want it to be like breathing.  Or like going home after a long day of work/life.  Or like connecting with your spouse.  Or however you would define rest in your life.  I want my relationship and connections with God to be just that natural.

That is what I desire for myself this year, and this is my prayer for you today and through this fast.  I pray you are able to get your soul home regularly and that it becomes just as natural for your soul as breathing is for your body.  I pray that you stop viewing connecting with God as an item to check off your list or as a goal to reach.  Instead, that you are able to view it as a steady and consistent walk, where you are not focused on the destination but enjoying and breathing in every moment of the journey, allowing time for your soul to go home with every step you take.  I pray you remember Psalm 23:1-3 and allow these truths to shape your life.

The Lord is my best friend and my shepherd.  I always have more than enough.  He offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love.  His tracks take me to an oasis of peace, the quiet brook of bliss.
That’s where he restores and revives my life.  He opens before me pathways to God’s pleasure and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honor to his name. (TPT)


Jennie Bak

Relate Valley Dream Team



Pray for: Family Relationships

Proverbs 22:6

Pray for every family at Relate Church. Pray for unity, love and forgiveness to permeate any difficult circumstances. Pray for homes full of the presence of God, and for restoration in broken relationships.