I have been pondering lately how the moments when our souls truly remember our holy God are the moments when incredible, stunning, and ground-breaking change can happen.
This pondering began last year. I was in a season where I felt empty inside and numb. There were consecutive losses and events in my life that brought me to my knees…only after my soul was shaken awake again to see the Lord and his heart for me…truly. Before, I could only limp because I allowed my vision of him to be blurred.
Tears rolled down my face as I sat in silence at the beach. My heart was heavy. My soul was tired. After a while of sitting in my grief, I looked up and noticed the sunset. It was stunning. Then I gazed at the waves. They were gentle and calming. The birds were chirping happily too. Soon I began to take deep breaths and the salty ocean air filled me with delight. The glorious sun-kissed mountains gave me chills.
As my eyes widened and my thoughts shifted, my heart grew softer. With open and shaky hands, I thanked the Lord for his creation and for his goodness and his faithfulness. And I realized that this was what I was thirsting for all along. Only moments before my soul was occupied with my present hardship. Now my soul craved to be occupied with God.
Shalom ushered in because God became bigger than my circumstances. He became bigger than every emotion I was previously feeling. He became bigger than it all. Yet, he also became small because I remembered that he made his home in me. This has to be the most stunning paradox.
There is no explaining how healing this moment was. One moment my pain felt too big to hold, and the next I was overwhelmed because my soul recognized that I was communing with my holy, perfect God who wants a real and intimate relationship with me.
Holy, Wow (as Pastor Angela says).
I am amazed by how consciously remembering the Lord’s majesty and believing in his character can turn any moment into a holy moment…because this draws us nearer to his heart. Proximity to him is the goal, but it is difficult to draw near when our souls are too distracted to see him. Holy remembrance of him is what our souls were created for. We need him. We need his presence. We can’t live this life the way he designed us to live it without pursuing intimacy with him and being in awe of his glory.
We were made to worship the Lord in the good and the not good. And when we do, our view of him will grow bigger. And when our view of him grows bigger, our response to him will grow bigger. And when our response to him grows bigger, we will remember and believe his promises and character QUICKER when disaster strikes. Things change when our souls remember truth.
I have found that when I choose to worship the Lord in ways that bring him glory and not myself, I remember his heart. And when I truly remember his heart, I can’t help but worship him. Soul work is done in these moments because I am fixating my attention and affections on him. I am lifting my gaze from what is temporary to what is eternal, holy, and beautiful. We are to be in awe of the glory of the Lord.
There is power in remembrance…in simple, quiet, and muttered prayers; in surrender on our knees; in proclaiming truth in song; in reaching for our bible; in memorizing scripture; in fellowship with believers; in communion; in preaching the gospel to people and to our souls; in a grateful and content heart; in beholding him.
He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. His presence pervades every corner of the earth. Yet, he also knows what it is to be human. He knows what it is to grieve and experience immense suffering. He understands. He sees us. He sees you.
A verse for today:
“Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” -Psalm 86:11-12
Questions to ponder:
→ How do I view God? When was the last time I sat in awe of him?
→ What would it look like for me to worship him when disaster strikes?
→ Is God the object of my affections and attention? If he is not, do I want him to be? What steps could I take for this to be so?
Sharaya is a member of the Dream Team and serves at the Relate Surrey campus on the hospitality team. She is currently working towards her Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy. When she’s not studying, she enjoys reading, strolls along the beach, and long coffee dates. She shares writing on Instagram at @shayray_h!