This is Canada - You likely have neighbours who sound, look, and think differently than you do. The place where we live and the people we share a postal code with are significant in our lives. In our new series “The Neighbours”, we’ll explore the history of the place where we're planted, the shared story we are part of, and the calling that we have as the Church to neighbour well. When Jesus came He moved right into the neighbourhood, and He's invited us all into a whole new way to be human.
Churching - Marv McGee
This is Canada - You likely have neighbours who sound, look, and think differently than you do. The place where we live and the people we share a postal code with are significant in our lives. In our new series “The Neighbours”, we’ll explore the history of the place where we're planted, the shared story we are part of, and the calling that we have as the Church to neighbour well. When Jesus came He moved right into the neighbourhood, and He's invited us all into a whole new way to be human.