That isn’t a typo in the heading. I expect that this will be a season of true feasting - delight, enjoyment, satisfaction, fulfillment - as we engage in 21 days of prayer and fasting. We’re choosing less of something less important so we can have more of that which is of ultimate importance.
Dallas Willard wrote: “Fasting confirms our utter dependence upon God by finding in him a source of sustenance beyond food. Through it, we learn by experience that God’s word to us is a life substance, that it is not food (“ bread”) alone that gives life, but also the words that proceed from the mouth of God (Matt. 4: 4). We learn that we too have meat to eat that the world does not know about (John 4: 32, 34). Fasting unto our Lord is therefore feasting—feasting on him and on doing his will.”
God has a secret supply of sustenance just for you - I love this thought! Specific words and revelation that are exactly what you need to energize you, feed your craving soul, correct your path, keep you going. And you’ll find this food in His Word - his love letter to you.
So today, as we embark on Day One, my challenge to you is to simply enjoy God. Enjoy Him. Set aside some time today, read a portion of the bible, and let it speak to you. Savour it. Don’t move on until your heart burns. Let God’s Word, His voice, be a portal to His presence. Enjoy time hanging out with Him. Thank Him, be filled with Him. Receive from God before you go to respond. Let His joy be your strength today.
Angela Doell
Lead Pastor
For an outline of our daily prayer focuses and suggestions for how to fast, click here.
Pray for: Your neighbourhood
Matthew 5:14
Take a walk or a drive through your community, praying for people the people and the homes you pass. Ask Holy Spirit to direct your prayers and follow His lead. Recognize the deep compassion God has for the people in your neighbourhood, and invite Him to give you the same heart for them. Pray that God would give you opportunity to connect with and bless your neighbours.