This past year was defined by change. It’s been a year of transition, and of preparation for expansion. The word GENERATIONS was a banner over us, and we really have seen the generations rise. Our Kids Camp was at capacity, our youth team launched weekly gatherings that have been gold, and we’ve seen a broadening of leadership and ownership across all ages. We are many voices, many servant-leaders, many investors, with one mission: building flourishing relationships with God and people.
Today we are a multiplying family. We now gather in two cities, one long harvest table that stretches across the valley. There’s room for more. We’ll keep making space and pulling up chairs to the table as creatively as we can this year, welcoming family home. We’ve been building and adding on for decades and today we see a church overflowing with such life and generosity that a building cannot contain her.
We’re a people so captured by the goodness of God that we can’t get enough of His presence. God’s voice, His nearness, His Power - we’re here for it. His presence shapes and defines our days and this season. In kindness he’s taken us by the hand and firmly led us into radical life change, and we are ruined for anything other than the true presence of God.
We’re a wholehearted people who keep choosing to show up. We know that family is worth pursuing. The thread of community and fellowship is what knits us together and holds us through seasons of joy and loss. We sharpen one another, call out the gifts in each other, fight for freedom together, pray expectantly for each other, rejoice and mourn together. We choose to stay inclusive, uncomplicated, grateful, open handed.
We are here to leave this generation better than we found it. As a legacy-minded, multi-generational, diverse collection of people from all backgrounds, we’re united in this call to speak life and share hope and make disciples who truly know and follow Jesus. We represent and honour all, eager to learn from experience and pass on wisdom to those who will follow.
2019 is the wonder year. The year we see is wrapped in awe and marked by wonder. We have a confident expectation that God will surprise us.
We’ll keep our hearts pure because we want to see God. We will worship heaven down this year. The song rising from this valley is our response to His grace. We know God can do anything and we’re up for just that - anything. We are captivated by and living to see God’s upside down kingdom well established right here - in Canada as it is in heaven. Not by our might or our power but by His incredible Spirit.
May this church be an outpost of glory. A haven, a lighthouse, a restoration clinic, an embassy of heaven. We see multitudes added to the family this year - finding freedom, discovering purpose and making a difference.
This is the place.
Multiplied impact.
Amplified voices.
Expanded territory.
A growing table.
Extraordinary miracles.
Our weakness for his strength.
Wrapped in awe, marked by wonder.
This is our wonder year.
We’re ready for it.