Well, we are six months into the completion phase of our expansion project here at Relate Church and I am reminded daily and am so thankful for the church family that is “all in” for the journey. My favourite words to hear on the weekends are, “It is going so fast!” This is so enjoyable to me as the excitement builds throughout the congregation.

I remember that same excitement as a little boy when the church I was a part of was going through an expansion project. Even as a child I loved the anticipation of getting to church and seeing the changes every week. It was an amazing adventure for a kid with big eyes and a heart full of dreams. Now fast forward to today and the adventure continues. I haven’t heard one person say “Are we there yet?” It has only been an enjoyable experience. 

The first six months have mostly been spent on the core of the structure and foundation. With the steel rising out of the ground in these last few weeks, we are starting to see the structure go vertical. Just as in building a strong marriage, family, business or whatever endeavour you head into, the time needs to be spent on that strong foundation. Without it, your investment is almost guaranteed to wither away and not last. Like Jesus says in Luke 6:46-49 “…These words I speak to you are not mere additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundation words, words to build a life on.”

Over the next few months, the structure will be closing up with the finishing work being focused on the inside. This leads me to a question I present to you, “What are you looking forward to most in the new space?”

Whatever you are expecting or dreaming of, always know that you and the ones you do life with are always welcome at Relate Church.


Rod DoellProduction Director 

Rod Doell

Production Director