Church. My favourite place.
It's not a building but rather the people you get to do life with that makes church so impactful.
I grew up in church, and to be honest there was rarely a weekend where I didn't want to go. I got to see my church friends, and church family. Growing up, church was the place where I knew I was safe. Where I had people I could talk to when struggles were real and a place where I could learn how to put my gifts into practice.
I still have the same feeling when I go to church today. The best part about church is the people I get to do it with.
“Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.” Psalms 92:13 NKJV
I met my husband in church, and we are now growing our little family planted in church. The term church rat can be used to describe our little girl, and I LOVE it! She has an amazing group of young people that love her, watch her, protect her, and teach her about Jesus. My husband and I serve in many capacities in church and we couldn't do that without that community around us.
My husband shared a short message a few months ago at church and he said something that has stuck with me to this day. He said, "if you're not serving on a team, I'm having more fun that you." (You can watch the service here if you're interested). Serving on team has always been what I have done, but in the last couple years it's become something I LOVE doing!
I fully believe if you plant yourself in the house of God and serve with all you have, your life will be richly blessed. I believe that you'll be blessed with MORE of everything! As you give of your time with God, you'll find you have MORE time. As you give of your finances, God blesses you with MORE.
To say I'm protective of my church and the time I get to spend there would be an understatement. I love the people I get to do life with and the lessons I am learning from them. I am so thankful for the friendships and family relationships that come with belonging somewhere.
Taelor Elverum is a big part of church life at Relate. She volunteers on the Worship Team as well as various other areas. Her husband Alex and two beautiful children are also a big part of church life at Relate.