I prefer music with a good, solid beat. Give me a little old school hip hop and I'll quickly be bopping my head like the awkward 40-something white mom that I am. I can't help it. My kids are wise to me and know that they can change my mood for the better easily by playing some Tupac in the car.
There are other types of music that make me itchy. Jazz, for instance. I can definitely appreciate it and the genius that goes into creating it, but its wildness stresses me out. I can't think properly while listening to it. Apparently I lean toward predictability in my music choices... My brain wants to know what beat comes next.
I honestly prefer predictability in every area of life. Safe. Secure. Simple. I enjoy comfort like most of us do. And yet life with the Spirit is anything but safe or comfortable... This path I'm on is not the one I expected. And I'm on a journey of embracing it with both arms.
I would make small, timid decisions if it weren't for the strength God offers. I'd avoid situations and people I can't control. My life would be bite-sized if it were up to me alone. Scripture makes it pretty clear that we are called to more. The Spirit invites us to wade away from steady and calm and to surrender. The good life isn't predictable, but the unforced rhythms of grace are better than safety. We weren't made for comfort but for transformation.
Take care of yourself. Check your soul, guard your heart and slow down when you need to. Say no when it's the right answer. But let's not make comfort or predictability the goal. We have a chance to grow in the waiting - the "spread a little thin" - the unpolished - the painful - the uncomfortable seasons.
When we can't see what's ahead, waiting for the beat to drop, we can remind ourselves that God definitely knows what's next. He's the composer orchestrating the future. He isn't predictable but He's really good, kind, and trustworthy. He's better than safe.
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Proverbs 3:5
Angela Doell
Executive Pastor