I'm Prepared.

After my initial intense fight response to the global pandemic, I’ve finally taken the time to settle down and acknowledge my feelings about this season: I have a lot of questions that no human can answer and I don’t feel prepared for this. These feelings have been real, overwhelming and difficult to control considering the circumstances. The combination of living on my own and working an essential service in healthcare at this time has left me fearful, anxious, and lonely. But God has been relentless in showing me the truth, that it’s not about what I think I can do or my situation, it’s about what He’s done and is  still doing through it all.

When I ask Him, “Why!? Why would you let me be alone right now?” He responded with something He told me at a Heart & Soul last summer: “That’s why I brought you here, so you don’t have to be alone.” He’s prepared me with a community for a time such as this. Though we cannot meet in person, I have already been connected to faith-filled people. I am not alone. 

When I ask Him, “Why?! I’m not prepared for this!” He responded by triggering my memory to the past Tuesday nights at Relate, Practicing Presence. I had been resting with the Holy Spirit and waiting on God to speak for a while, showing up as much as I could. One particular Tuesday night He told me that it wasn’t about me, that it is about showing His glory. I am ready.

When I ask Him, “Why!? Why do I have to be a leader? I don’t want to be the one to lead at work!” He responded by showing me that He’s been preparing me as a  leader for months, by being a facilitator for Freedom Session. I had been working through the same steps as my group of young women for several months, but I was called to be one of the people to guide them through it with encouragement, prayer, and authenticity. I am a leader.

When I ask Him, “Why!? I’m scared!” He’s responded by reminding me of how I’ve stepped past fear in the last few months: by accepting opportunities to speak in front of others, by asking people to pray over me, by being vulnerable with others. And for all of those things, I was incredibly afraid, but it always worked out in the end. I am brave.

And even still, after He’s answered me, I respond with “But God, ARE YOU SURE?” And like the true God that He is, He has been responding to me with His written truth: 

Calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul for?

Mark 8:34-37 MSG

Once again, He’s reminding me about what He’s told me before, that it’s not about me, it’s about Him, and it always has been. If I can take a moment to stop doubting myself and what He’s calling me to do, whether that be to pray for someone, encourage a friend, or be Jesus in my workplace, I can see that He is the one who is leading me through it. Despite fear, He is showing me how to keep going. Despite anxiety, He is showing me how to embrace suffering. Despite loneliness, He is saving me. I may not feel confident in my own choices at every moment, but I can stand firm in knowing that He is in the driver’s seat, I just have to remember that He is there. This is the truth that He’s reminding me of in this season, that I can choose to see Him over everything. He's got me right where He wants me, and He’s prepared me for such a time as this. 

Here’s what I’ve learned through it all:

Don’t give up; don’t be impatient;

be entwined as one with the Lord.

Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope.

Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you!

Psalm 27:14 TPT

Cher Carrasco

Dream Team

Let's Talk

At once Jesus had His followers get into the boat. He told them to go ahead of Him to the other side while He sent the people away. After He had sent them away, He went up the mountain by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone. By this time the boat was far from land and was being thrown around by the waves. The wind was strong against them.

Just before the light of day, Jesus went to them walking on the water. When the followers saw Him walking on the water, they were afraid. They said, “It is a spirit.” They cried out with fear. At once Jesus spoke to them and said, “Take hope. It is I. Do not be afraid!”

Peter said to Jesus, “If it is You, Lord, tell me to come to You on the water.”

Jesus said, “Come!” Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water to Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind, he was afraid. He began to go down in the water. He cried out, “Lord, save me!” At once Jesus put out His hand and took hold of him. Jesus said to Peter, “You have so little faith! Why did you doubt?” 

When Jesus and Peter got into the boat, the wind stopped blowing. Those in the boat worshiped Jesus. They said, “For sure, You are the Son of God!” (Matthew 14:22-33 NLT)

I read this passage and think, “how could Peter doubt Jesus?” I mean he saw with his own eyes, Jesus walking on water! I proceed to think, “that would never be me.” However, if I’m honest, that is me in most difficult circumstances. When the storm comes, I look to the waves. I look to the raging sea and begin to drown in the depths of it all. 

If I’m overwhelmed, I panic—I retreat, or avoid, or distract. And then I sink, weighed down by the heaviness of life. 

It was when Peter began to look at the waves around him, that he started to sink. When we try to carry the weight of our hurt, our broken, we sink.  There is something so beautiful here though. When Peter took his first steps on the water, he was looking at Jesus. When we look at the wind and waves we sink because they are bigger than us. But, when we look to Jesus, we walk on water because He is greater than the wind and waves. 

For me, the storm that tries to steal my focus is depression. It is a struggle that has brought me much confusion, anger and shame. And, I find it quite easy to revert to shame. It feels as though I’ve created a gap between myself and God. I quickly get distracted by the wind as it whips my head downwards at the raging sea under my feet. It feels so out of my control that I sit and weep. I cry out to God, “Lord, why does it have to be this way? Look at the pain I’m in!” I beg God to take the hurt away.

I have experienced such heartbreak and disappointment, and all I want is to avoid it; I will manipulate my life to do so. Yet, the very place I’m repelled by, God is compelled to move towards. 

For the longest time I didn’t understand why my battle doesn’t seem to have an end in sight. I thought it was my fault, I wasn’t close enough to God, I wasn’t praying or worshiping enough. How could I be so in love with Jesus and still struggle? I thought that if I could just get out of the valley, I would be free. The truth is, I don’t know when the storm will stop. But, when I look to Jesus, I walk on water in the midst of the raging waves. And that is the victory! The God of the universe walking with me, strengthening me. I can’t walk without Him.

One night, I was in tears. I had lost sight of my hope. All I could see was the chaos around me. I heard God say, “Heaven is real.” I needed to be reminded of this. There is a hope to cling to when life is heavy, a promise that my brokenness will be restored and a God who came down to hold my hand and pull me up. 

If you are struggling with your mental health, my prayer is that you would cling to Hope. You can be surrounded by darkness, but you yourself are not dark. You are radiant with His light. There will be highs and lows, that is how the sea moves, and there is no shame in that. You are enough because HE is enough. 

The way to survive the waves is to keep the beat of your heart in rhythm with the One who walks on water.” – Ann Voskamp 

Lillie Bunnett

Reception and Administrative Assistant

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Twenty-One

“Though I constantly take my life in my hands, I will not forget your law.” (Psalms 119:109 NIV)

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9 NIV)

God wants us to live a life of dependence on Him alone. 

Woah. That word dependence scares me. I like my independence. I like to be in control. I don’t want to feel restricted and it seems as though being dependent means I’ll be enslaved. 

But whether we like to admit it or not, we are all dependent on something: our own strength, our head-knowledge, words of affirmation, relationships, success, the list goes on and on. We live in a world that tells us we should be independent and put ourselves first, but we’re completely dependent, on that same world, to feel secure.

What a striking thought it is that independence, striving towards freedom in our own strength, can leave us in chains and it is only when we are dependent on Jesus that we receive true freedom. That’s how God designed us--to be completely dependent on Him. 

He knit you together in your mother’s womb. From the beginning of your life, you were called to dependence. You started, just a small cluster of cells whose life was completely in the hands of the Almighty God.  We can get so caught up with the pressures from the world around us that we forget we’re still the same (we’re just a slightly bigger cluster of cells now). We are still completely in the hands of our Almighty God.

God is too good not to be faithful to you all your life. Every breath is dependent on him. Every morning you wake up is a direct result of His faithfulness. What a loving God we serve!

Be encouraged today, the same God who spoke the universe into existence, who raised Christ from the dead, holds you so dear.  

He’s the hope that holds me and the Stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence.” (Psalms 91:2 TPT)

Lillie Bunnett

Reception and Administrative Assistant



Pray for: Vision for 2020

Ephesians 3:14-19

Pray for continued clarity of God’s vision for you personally, and for our church family. Pray for expanded territory, increased leadership, building opportunities and growth. Pray that every member of Relate Church would take ownership of the vision God has given us. Pray that we would be rooted and grounded in love, filled with the fullness of God, experiencing the above-and-beyond plans He has for us.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Twenty

“I’m not going to be religious about it”. 

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I second guessed them. It sounded like something I would say. Sounded like something I believed. And yet, something about the phrase gave me pause.

It was the end of the first week of our fast, and Cassandra and I had plans to stay downtown the next week Wednesday to Thursday overnight. We were attending a conference, but we were also using the opportunity for some much needed time away together. We had a hotel booked, we had a babysitter scheduled, and we were planning out the downtime between sessions - dinner in the evening with friends, breakfast the next morning on the beach - only one issue: I was fasting, and based on the fast I had committed to - our dinner and breakfast plans weren’t looking too feasible. My response?

“I’m not going to be religious about it”. 

What an enlightened response in the face of a spiritual dilemma, right? I’m a new covenant, not bound by the law, saved by grace, those who the Son sets free are free indeed kind of Christian. Look at me walking in the freedom of my saviour’s sacrifice - wouldn’t he want me to enjoy a night away with my wife four and a half months after we had our second child? Surely we of all people deserved it.

I was rationalizing, and I still don’t know if I was right. Turns out, I didn’t need to find out. Snow fell most of the day Tuesday, into Wednesday, and the overnight forecast looked fairly bleak - so we cancelled our hotel and stayed home. But the words stuck with me as the days went by, and I found myself finding more and more moments, more and more opportunities to second guess the decision I had made. Tempted by plans at Popeye’s with friends. Tempted by my grumbling stomach. Tempted by Lays Salt & Vinegar chips. Am I going to be religious about this? And if I’m not, what’s the point of fasting anyways? If I’m going to give it up on a whim at inopportune moments, then was I even fasting in the first place? And more importantly - what’s the why behind it all? To check a box at the end of each day saying “I did it”?

In the book of Joel - the Israelites, as they so often did, had walked away from God. The traditional, religious response for penitent people of that time was to tear their clothes, don a three-legged race style potato sack, and pour ashes on their heads. It was an outward show of inward repentance. But that’s often all it was - an outward show. God’s response in this moment is telling:

“Yet even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and rend your hearts and not your garments.” Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. Joel 2:12-13

“Rend your hearts and not your garments”. God’s response to his children is clear - I don’t want your outward show if it isn’t accompanied by inward growth. (See Jesus’ awkward encounter with a fig tree in Matt 21:18 for more on this). In other words, if the cart comes first, what’s the point of the horse?

As with all the disciplines we work into our lives as Jesus-followers - if we prioritize the practice without significant thought to the purpose, we’re just being religious about it. But God isn’t opposed to religion, he’s opposed to religion outside of relationship. Outward show, without inward growth. So if I maintain my fast because I’m supposed to maintain my fast, grit my teeth, get through my hunger, and check off another day of deprivation, I’m not going to get anything out of it anyways. But if I maintain my fast and let those questions arise as they will, embrace the rumbly-in-my-tumbly, and sit in the hunger I’ve intentionally created, I might just find that my appetite was not truly for food anyways.

You see, those pangs in my stomach urge me to focus on satiation. The ache behind your eyes as you deprive yourself of caffeine urges you to FIND A SOLUTION. Your restless fingers as they hover over the Instagram app, opening it and closing it repeatedly as you remember, I’m fasting - they urge you to fill the void in your life with things, with interactions, experiences, entertainment and distraction.

God sits in the silence of your room that for 21 days is not set alight by the latest Netflix offering, and bids you come and sit with me. Quench your thirst with living water. Fill your stomach with my spirit and your time with my presence. Seek first my heart and my kingdom and the rest will be added.

Daniel Comrie

Relate Valley Campus Pastor



Pray for: Our World & Global Church

Matthew 24:14

Pray for God’s rule to invade the earth, on earth as it is in Heaven. Pray for the Church, as the primary agents of God’s Kingdom, to be on mission and growing in influence. Pray for Hillsong Church and Watoto Ministries in Uganda, our international missions. Pray for an increase in labourers to spread the gospel, plant churches and win souls.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Nineteen

In the new year God challenged me to frame my year with the word “Contend”.

I have never received a word or thought at the beginning of the year before, it usually just becomes obvious to me as I walk my year out. This year was a little different as I felt in my spirit that I needed “to fight for” certain things as my year unfolds.

I love the fact that as a church we take a couple of moments of our year to focus, as one, on His presence. These twenty-one days of fasting and prayer have hopefully helped us to slow down and listen to the Heart of God. He is always there, never leaving our side. We just need to step out of the rush, slow down and focus on the life breath that comes from His word.

“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.” Deut 31:6

This is one of the things that I am contending for this year. Fighting for the space in our busy world to just be quiet and listen for His voice.

We find our voice in Him. We find our voice by spending time in His word. This is what brings us life and sustains us through tough times as we walk out our lives as well as speaking into the lives of others. When Jesus walked the earth He craved the moments he could get away to pray and listen to His father’s voice. This gave Him the strength He needed to walk through life on a daily basis ultimately to the moment where He laid down His life for us.

Dear friends, I’ve dropped everything to write you about this life of salvation that we have in common. I have to write insisting—begging!—that you fight with everything you have in you for this faith entrusted to us as a gift to guard and cherish. Jude 1:3

This is a phrase that we say a lot at Relate Church but it is so true. “He is always speaking… We are not always listening.”

We need to fight for our time with Him. Not just a concentrated time in January and September but creating a daily rhythm of life that feeds ands gives rest to our soul. His voice and what He is saying is specific to each and everyone of us. Each word waiting to give life to our bones. It’s time to fight for this one! 

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matt. 11:28-30

Rod Doell




Pray for: Cultural and Social Influence

Matthew 16:18

Pray that Jesus would build His Church. Pray for personal increased influence - in your place of work or school, friendships and social connections. Pray for collective influence, that the church would change the culture and point to Jesus in an attractive and unmissable way. Pray that God would enlarge and amplify our message as only He can.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Eighteen

“The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in GOD protects you from that.”
Proverbs 29:25 MSG

Praise and worship wasn’t always easy for me, especially when I was young. There was just something in my heart that couldn’t connect to the words being sung, or the feelings being felt. I memorized the dance, I knew when to clap and when to put my hands up. It was just choreography to me. I followed along with the steps, so full of fear that other people would see and judge.

Until one moment where God struck me in my fear and spoke to me loud and clear. 

God told me to get on my knees and bow. And I am not proud to say I argued with Him. “Absolutely not”, I told Him, “people will see”. But He stood firm, and told me again to kneel. It felt so vulnerable, to fall to the floor in a room full of people. But I forced fear to the side and got to the ground, and worshipped the Creator in full surrender. 

Surrendering is scary, it’s vulnerable, but it’s not weak. In reality, the most strong and courageous thing you can do is surrender yourself to your Maker. The only voice that matters is His. Lay everything in front of him: family, money, relationships, health, circumstance. He sees you and knows you, and there is nothing He wants more than to support you. But first, push aside pride and fear; they aren’t from God. 

Throw everything aside, and surrender first. Then the hands of God can come and mould your life for the better.

Madi Doell

Relate Valley Dream Team



Pray for: Generations

Psalm 127:3-5

Pray for the generations that are rising. Pray that they would love God deeply and hate evil. Pray that they would guard their hearts, be filled with God’s Spirit, and that they would grow in wisdom. Pray for our young leaders and the influence they have, and pray that each generation would tell of God’s faithfulness.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Seventeen

I was in the hospital last night, visiting and praying with someone who used to be my enemy. Years ago, when we were going through a divorce, in a time when it was the worst of it, God asked me to start praying for him. He gave me this special scripture over his life to pray every day. Me. Of all people - one who was still in the midst of all of the stuff with him. I had nothing to give in that situation, only hurt and anger.

It didn’t happen right away but God started giving me compassion for him. Praying allowed God to give me a glimpse of how He saw him. He showed me how to pray for him. He gave me the words and the strength to pray with heart, even when the circumstance was so painful. Looking back now I know that was God because only He could sustain such an impossible thing. 

Last night I had the privilege of sharing with him how much God loves him. That there is a promise over his life, that he is precious.

Being in that emergency room, with such peace surrounding us, laughing and experiencing joy in the midst of it - I learned that sometimes the places where we experience the most pain is where the greatest treasure is. Yesterday was the day I got to tell him the Word God had for his life, to speak into promises and see the joy between us that only God could have cultivated. And I ask you dear friends, if God leads you to, please pray for him! 

“I will give you the treasures out of darkness and the riches hidden in secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, who call you by your name.” -Isaiah 45:3

Cherry Sheena

Freedom Sessions & Data Admin



Pray for: The Lost

Romans 8:15

Pray for an increased boldness to bring the love of Jesus to the lost. Pray that many would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus in this season and find salvation. Pray specifically for those in your circle who are far from God.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Sixteen

The first time Marv asked me out on a date was not my first encounter with him. I saw him over a few years as we went to the same school and church. It was in my senior year in high school that we had our first date and that's when God opened my eyes to really see him, my future husband, my best friend. He was an answer to my prayer. 

God wants us to see the supernatural over the natural!

When Hagar was in the desert with her son Ishmael and she thought her son would die because they had no water God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. (Genesis 21:19)

When Elisha had an army with horses and chariots surrounding him, his servant cried out in fear. Elisha responded and told him not to be afraid. Those who were with them were more than those who were against them. And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” 

(2 Kings 6:17)

Rick Warren said "When something that was veiled or hidden for a long time and suddenly becomes clear and visible to the mind or eye. It is like pulling the curtains out of the way so you can see the scene outside your window. The view was always there for you to enjoy, but the curtains blocked your ability to see the real picture. Once the curtains are drawn apart, you suddenly behold what was previously hidden from your view. The moment you see beyond the curtain for the first time and observe what has been there all along but wasn’t evident to you — that is what the Bible calls a “revelation.”

1 Cor 2:9-10 TPT

“This is why the Scriptures say: Things never discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine— these are the many things God has in store for all his lovers. But God now unveils these profound realities to us by the Spirit. Yes, he has revealed to us his inmost heart and deepest mysteries through the Holy Spirit, who constantly explores all things.”

When Jesus left this earth, the Holy Spirit came and removed the veil that once blocked our view so our eyes could see, our ears could hear, and our hearts could fully understand the special plans God has prepared for his people. 

“I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling—that is, the wealth of God’s  glorious inheritances that he finds in us, his holy ones!”  Ephesians 1:18 TPT

Jacquie McGee

Connections Pastor



Pray for: Creativity

Ephesians 2:10

Pray for unique and creative strategies to communicate the gospel and reach people far from God in fresh ways. Pray for artistic inspiration and Spirit-led creativity in our leaders and teams. Pray for new expressions of God’s goodness, new songs to be released, and new ideas to flow freely.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Fifteen

Successful: a word we hear often and typically relate to someone’s financial well being, social status, health, or even spiritual knowledge. I find that everyone perceives success in a different way which is fascinating. What one person draws motivation for or from could be completely irrelevant to the next person. We are surrounded by a society that tells us that we need more things, we need more money, we need to eat this or that, we are not good enough.  

God has worked on my heart in this area significantly over the last 10 years. My identity and worth isn’t something that can be measured by man. I received a new identity in Christ when I accepted the gift of salvation. Essentially I received a heart transplant that allowed me to walk in the freedom of God’s kingdom knowing that I was completely forgiven…..no matter what. This realization was not one that came easily to me and I often have to remind my mind of what my heart knows.

I find it challenging to keep my identity top of mind when I go about my day. The 21 days of prayer and fasting has been a great reminder for me to stop and refocus on what God is doing in my life. The act of stopping to appreciate the success that God has already completed in and through us is an amazing practice. When I look back on my day, year, decade or even lifetime I cannot help but be filled with gratitude for the abundance God has poured out time and time again. The success being that God and I walked through life together intimately whether I recognized it or not. His fingerprints are all over our daily journeys through the good times in and the tough times.

I would like to challenge you today to stop, and identify the successful relationship you have had with your Lord and Saviour. Reflect on: moments in time that he worked through you to help others, seasons where his presence was very tangible, the tough times that he lifted you up when you were weak, times of revelation about who he is as a father. He is a good father and he loves you more than you can comprehend! The success story of your life will not be measured by standards of this world, but will be a life long celebration of your relationship with your father.

2 Corinthians 5:17

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

John 10:10

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Brent Driediger

Relate Valley Dream Team



Pray for: Forgiveness

Ephesians 4:32

Pray to receive the gift of forgiveness well, and pray for a spirit of compassion and kindness to permeate our lives. Pray that we would forgive by default, and that we would be able to release and move past deep hurts. Pray that we imitate Jesus and reflect His goodness by being a church that forgives easily.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Fourteen

With the start of a new year my wife and I ask God for a word for the year to come. It typically comes to me by the friendly reminder of my mom who keeps track of her kids words and prays into them as we journey together during the year. As she reminds me and I quickly think “oh ya what should my word be”? BOOM I hear the Lord press it on my heart. 

This year is RELEASE and I immediately felt this scripture come to me. “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” (Psalms 55:22)

Wow what a promise that is. Specifically I’d like to release my fears and worries to the Lord – we all have them. This word isn’t just for me, it’s for us! Let’s not spend this year focused on things that hold us back as God wants us to be free from them and so often we get trapped in our own heads longer than God intended us to. 

God's won the battle against fear and the enemy. “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1)

Be released this year and during this fast!  We can practice releasing strongholds in our life but we can also receive the releasing and outpouring of the Holy Spirit this year. The word “Release” has a few different angles. Don’t count yourself too short because God holds us above that height restriction. Maybe you want to get a different job, start a new group, talk to someone, pray for someone, believe for a miracle, stretch your faith, try something new, or serve in a different way - these are all great things that God can release for you. God's got you, he wants the best for you, your dreams are his dreams. 

I’m so blessed to do life and church with you all. Thank you for this opportunity to share my heart. My prayer for us is that we have eyes to see and ears to hear how we can live fully released to make an impact in our community. 

Jadon Peters

Relate Valley Dream Team



Pray for: Marriages

Matthew 19:4-6

Pray for the marriages represented in Relate Church, that there would be unity, intimacy and honesty in each one. Pray for restoration in broken or strained relationships. Pray for open communication, free-flowing forgiveness, hearts after God and hearts knit together.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Thirteen

I am a homebody.  I absolutely love being at home.  Home is where I find my peace and where I find my rest.  It is where I feel the most comfortable.  Not only do I find this comfort in the peaceful atmosphere of our little basement suite, but I experience the same feeling when my husband comes home from work.  This feeling of comfort and rest does not come from any particular action or conversation we engage in, but solely from being in one another’s presence.  Some days it is as simple as being in the same space, with no words, but knowing we are both there.  Home is the place where my physical body finds true rest.  Do you know the feeling? 

I recently read a question by Judah Smith that moved my world.  The power and profoundness of it has resonated so deeply with me:  “If my physical body needs to regularly go home in order to be healthy, what about my soul?”

Going home is natural.  It is where you go when you are done work.  It is where you wake up in the morning.  It evokes the feelings of what I shared above.  So why does our relationship with God not always feel that natural, especially when soul rest is so vital to our spiritual health? 

I think the reason will differ for all of us.  Personally, my natural tendency is to turn things into habits and to-do lists.  But the last thing I want for my relationship with God is for it to just be a habit.  I want it to be like breathing.  Or like going home after a long day of work/life.  Or like connecting with your spouse.  Or however you would define rest in your life.  I want my relationship and connections with God to be just that natural.

That is what I desire for myself this year, and this is my prayer for you today and through this fast.  I pray you are able to get your soul home regularly and that it becomes just as natural for your soul as breathing is for your body.  I pray that you stop viewing connecting with God as an item to check off your list or as a goal to reach.  Instead, that you are able to view it as a steady and consistent walk, where you are not focused on the destination but enjoying and breathing in every moment of the journey, allowing time for your soul to go home with every step you take.  I pray you remember Psalm 23:1-3 and allow these truths to shape your life.

The Lord is my best friend and my shepherd.  I always have more than enough.  He offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love.  His tracks take me to an oasis of peace, the quiet brook of bliss.
That’s where he restores and revives my life.  He opens before me pathways to God’s pleasure and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honor to his name. (TPT)


Jennie Bak

Relate Valley Dream Team



Pray for: Family Relationships

Proverbs 22:6

Pray for every family at Relate Church. Pray for unity, love and forgiveness to permeate any difficult circumstances. Pray for homes full of the presence of God, and for restoration in broken relationships.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Twelve

At the start of these 21 days set aside for prayer and fasting, I had good intentions in my head. I was looking forward to meeting intimately with God and in my heart I felt convinced that He was enough.  

Over the years I have found God to be the faithful constant in my life as I face losses and impossible situations. There have been lots of opportunities to grow my trust as He leads me through the valleys with shadows and up steep mountain pathways. In fact, in my early 30’s, after a particularly difficult loss, I had such peace in my heart that I was excited to experience this new level of trust I had for God. Needless to say, I have since had many opportunities to test that level of trust. As a result, I have come to find out that trust has layers to it and I always have a choice, no matter how big or small the issue is. I can choose to trust in my faithful God, or sit in a place of anxiousness and fear. Of course on the outside everything appears to be fine for the most part, but the inner turmoil when facing difficult situations can be a struggle. 

And so began my thoughts in these 21 days, willing myself to trust in the God I have found to be faithful my entire life, as I am faced with an impossible situation, once again. But what happens when one’s reality doesn’t seem to line up with what they believe to be God’s goodness and faithfulness? When you know God does the impossible but perhaps this one might be too big for him? I mean, I know where I go when I focus on the natural, logical part of the problem instead of choosing to trust in God’s supernatural intervention. Internally I get tense and scared, and I quickly spiral downward into a state of fear and defensiveness. And then, added to that, I feel frustrated with myself because I am not trusting God as I want to be. 

So this is where I found myself. The struggle was real and I was giving in to the feelings of fear and rationalizing how appropriate these fears are given the situation. I had been bringing this to God regularly but still found it a struggle. Then in the middle of my fear I cried out to God once again, desperately seeking his peace and comfort, and Jesus met me in this place of surrender.

John 14:27 is hanging on my wall in my home,

“I leave this gift of peace with you-my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts-instead be courageous.” (TPT)

My circumstances haven’t changed but I heard his gentle voice, I was reminded of his goodness, I surrendered my fear and anxiousness to him in exchange for his peace, I declared his promises out loud, I worshipped him. I also noticed his gentle touch on my life reminding me that he sees and he is taking care of me. I know he is faithful - I have seen his faithfulness over and over. I choose to trust and believe that He will continue to be faithful.  It might not look like I want it to look (John 14:27 - not the fragile peace given by the world) but it doesn’t change the fact that he is faithful and I can trust him.  Jesus, help my feelings to line up with what I know to be true of you, because you are enough and I choose to trust in your unfailing love and provision for everything I need in life!! 

I recently came across a quote from Dr. Lee Warren, a surgeon and man of God who has not only walked many of his patients and their families through difficult health crises, but has also faced the death of his own son.  In speaking of faith he says it “requires bending the light of our current circumstances in such a way that we see God’s presence in the moment, despite the outcome.[..] Faith is the prism we need to see hope when all seems lost, to survive the furnace of suffering, to grow despite the pain.[..] Faith doesn’t keep us from having problems. It just gives a clearer view of how God is responding to them.”

God’s word tells me that this place of surrender and trust and faith in challenging times is an “invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that I can” (James 1:2).

Funny, my word for 2019 was JOY.  And Jesus is giving me more opportunity than ever to experience his JOY in choosing to trust him.  My word for 2020 is “opportunity”. One of the definitions of opportunity is “a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something”.  In 2020, I have, we all have, the opportunity to do this: to declare that Jesus is enough by choosing to trust Him with all the good things and all the hard things and walk in surrendered peace, proclaiming his promises. Faith over fear, it’s a choice we have each day and sometimes moment by moment. I choose faith today and I want to choose it again tomorrow. Thank you God that you are faithful and I can trust you!

James 1:2-4

My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can!  For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up power within you to endure all things.  And then as your endurance grows even stronger, it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

Kim Broad

Relate Valley Dream Team



Pray for: Freedom

1 Corinthians 10:13-14

Pray for breakthrough from addiction, and that many would find freedom and support. Pray God would create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit. Pray that the strength of the Spirit would enable many to replace old habits and mindsets. Pray for renewed hope, restoration and redemption. Pray for freedom for those dealing with anxiety and depression. Pray that those who are overwhelmed would call on the name of God, cast their cares on Him, and know His faithfulness. Pray for wisdom, and that God would sustain the weary.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Eleven

Life is big and for most of us it is “full on”. Between work, family, friends, church, and so on we find ourselves running from one thing to another until we collapse at the end of the day and get ready to do it all again the next. Consistently we are pulled on by other people, we are inundated by requests, orders, and all while surrounded by the ambient noise that this world produces.

Everywhere we go we find a multitude of people seemingly going to the same place. It’s unavoidable. People, people everywhere and not a soul to see seems to be the mindset. We’re surrounded and there’s a societal expectation for us to operate and derive our identity within the horde we find ourselves enclosed by and in doing so we are also then expected to thrive. 

In our endeavour to do all the things, our minds are constantly working and reworking scenarios and future actions and it is crowded in there, too. It has gotten to the point that our minds are so far ahead of our bodies that we are, in essence, walking about tilted forward and in danger of completely tipping over.

Jesus had a crazy busy life. He had bevies of people galavanting after him, asking him questions, touching him, expecting great things to happen and even greater things to be said. He got so crowded one time he actually got into a boat and preached from there. Crazy! What was his go-to to keep sane? Solitude. There are many instances that are recorded in the gospels where he went away either alone to connect with Father God or to just be with his disciples.

If Jesus sought solitude, shouldn’t we? Solitude is good and is also healthy (and all the enneagram 9s said amen!). It has the ability not only to realign our mind and body so that we’re walking upright again, but it can also enhance creativity and help prevent burnout. Solitude, though, is a choice and it can be uncomfortable, although necessary. 

The greatest thing about solitude though, is that it helps us filter out all the noise around us and helps us tune more into the voice of God. Matthew 11:28 in the Message says “Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me; watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

How fantastic is that?! 

Think of solitude as an active way of being still and knowing He is God (Psalms 46:10). It is learning to shut off all the distractions (phone, tv, etc); to learn to stop doubting and build up your faith; and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is in control, that He is your fortress, that He is King, Father, shepherd, and your ever present help in every situation.

So what are you waiting for? Carve out the time and get away with the Lover of your soul, He’s set a table for two and He’s waiting for you.

Michele Henter

Relate Surrey Dream Team



Pray for: Jobs and Careers

Psalm 90:17

Pray for each business and business owner at Relate Church. Pray that God’s favour increases their efforts and accelerates their increase. Pray for new opportunities and open doors in jobs and careers, and for promotion for those working. Pray for opportunities to minister at work. 

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Ten

There is truly nothing like falling in love. I will never forget what I call my "honeymoon with Jesus."  I was 19 years old and in Fiji on a missions trip. Amidst the profound natural beauty, the Lord wooed me, filled me with His precious Spirit, and I had a delightful taste of the intimacy with Him that was to be my everything. It was a time of miracles and wonder and expectation. It became a foundation of faith and hope that was to help me through many hard times.

Our relationship with God is so precious in that He is infinite. There will always be more to learn about Him, His glorious kingdom, and His never failing love. If we are awake in the Spirit, and seeking Him, surely it will never be boring and stagnant.  Yet there are times when our walk with God can seem just that: stagnant.

Often when I think of the word repentance I think about turning back to my first love. What I mean is turning away from sin, distraction, and the cares of this world, and turning once again to the One who knew me long before He formed me.

Let's return to our first love, dear church. Let's set aside our lesser loves and live for that One voice, that One touch, that One glance of His beautiful face. If I open up the eyes of my heart to see Him, how can I not fall in love all over again?

You may ask, "But what if I've never experienced that honeymoon with Jesus?"

I leave you with Jesus' own words:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7 NIV

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,  for they will be filled."
Matthew 5:6 NIV

Erin Waine

Relate Valley Dream Team



Pray for: Financial Provision

Philippians 4:19

Pray for a spirit of generosity to permeate our church. Pray that God would meet every need, opening doors of provision and releasing abundance for our church and church family. Pray that we would be a blessing to our community.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Nine

As we launch into this new pristine decade, I have a supernatural anticipation of a harvest beyond anything ever experienced or even imagined. All that has gone before simply is seed for the harvest that is coming, and much seed has been planted!

The word I see for this year is Harvest. God speaks often about harvest and when we invest anything (thoughts, words, actions) into His Kingdom, trusting in Him and only Him, it becomes seed and He promises a harvest. He is THE LORD OF THE HARVEST! Expecting a harvest is not a wish but a God-given PROMISE.

 “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, . . . will never cease.” (Genesis 8:22) 

Thirty four years ago, on Jan 5, 1986, a handful of us launched out and planted what is now Relate Church. Over the years we have purposed to be faithful to do all we can to build His Kingdom and I’m overwhelmed at all that God has allowed us to be part of. This last year has been a year of transition, and it has truly been a year of WONDER. I couldn’t be prouder of this next generation as the whole team has stepped up magnificently and beautifully. 

I know the volume of seed that has been planted over the last thirty four years and therefore, by faith, I see a decade of harvest. 

John Burns

Founding and Teaching Pastor



Pray for: Renewed Minds

Romans 12:2

Pray that God would give us a fresh perspective and new eyes to see the things around us the way He does. Pray for obedience to do the work of surrendering daily to God’s plan and His ways.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Eight

God created food to be relished and enjoyed, of that I have no doubt.  Being the Ultimate Creative Force, there can be no mistake that He created raspberries, when grown in healthy soil conditions and proper amount of sun, harvested at the right time, to bring an amazing amount of pleasure - and sustenance - to the consumer! He gave grandmothers the awesome wisdom and creativity to bake such raspberries into pies, with delectable crusts.  And Angus cattle - he created those too, with rib-steaks, perfectly marbled, built right in (sorry vegans) - to make our mouths water….. And bread, fresh out of the oven, with butter spread generously to melt in….oh boy, this is not good imagery for a time of fasting, is it?

I apologize for the temptation this may have caused you, who are journeying to focus in a deliberate manner on Our Loving Saviour.

I admit that I have much, much more learning to do in the area of fasting, and will simply share my personal thoughts at this point in my faith journey, in hopes that it will be of encouragement to some.

Fasting, to be blunt and perfectly honest, throughout my faith journey, has been a word that brings nothing to mind but thoughts of pain and anxiety.  I have at different times in my life agreed to go for 24 hours or more without food, as a youth sponsor, an elder, along with my kids, for health reasons combined with faithful obedience, etc.  I will admit that there has rarely been a time that I fasted that I did not end up with a raging headache, foggy mind and/or blurred vision.  I have been rendered for the most part completely useless on days that I have fasted, being a business owner in the construction industry with a combination of physical/mindful workdays, and had decided to fast on days that I would not have to make many decisions nor do much physical work.  It is through these experiences that I have many times given in to frustration at God - “I’ve got food all around me, why are you asking me to do this?” - but also been drawn to acute empathy for the many millions of God’s children who go with little or no proper sustenance on a daily basis.  How are people supposed to learn, grow, advance, and give of themselves, when they cannot even think or see straight?  When their bodies are eating themselves?  I, who have absolutely no idea of what real hunger is like, cannot be productive on a day when I go without for a couple of meals, am brought to a place where I recognize that it is by true miracle that people in poverty situations find a way to rise above.  

Would I say that fasting brings me closer to God in a direct fashion?  I have not experienced warm fuzzies toward Him, and I would also say that I have truly failed at being able to rely on Him and effectively “power through” the pain and fogginess of a day without food.  But fasting has caused me to continually recognize that I am to find ways to be increasingly generous - with thoughts, ideas, money, and time - to help end poverty, to help empower people who have been given less opportunity than I have.  God hates poverty.  I believe He hates physical, emotional and spiritual malnourishment.  He wants us to be hungry for Him, and so while He created food for pleasure as well as sustenance, I always want to be mindful that I do not replace pleasure in Him with pleasure of mammon - of the things of this world - and so I believe it is important to live a life that continuously acknowledges and points to the source of all our sustenance and pleasure - Our Loving Father, our Saviour Jesus, and our Wisdom, Holy Spirit.

Life is full of seasons - and I have, in my mid-40s, changed careers in the last year, into the philanthropic finance space, an area I have no formal training or experience in.  It is a crazy God story of obedience and faith, that has stretched me in serious fashion, and each work day leaves me mentally spent.  This sacrifice of obedience has been a fast of sorts - a giving up of my previous way of thinking of finances and success.  In order to continue to be effective in my new career I have decided, with prayer and much consideration, to use food simply as fuel for these 21 days, instead of fully fasting.  I am choosing to eat quite clean, cut out treats and processed food completely, and My Father has given me peace and excitement about this.  So this three weeks for me is food as fuel over food as comfort/pleasure.  It may seem a cop-out to you, or it may serve as an answer you have been seeking God in prayer for your own journey.  The beauty is God loves me no more or no less for what I am doing about this, but I am convinced that this three weeks has already and will continue to draw me closer to Him.

John 4 (NLT):
Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.”
“But sir, you don’t have a rope or a bucket,” she said, “and this well is very deep. Where would you get this living water? And besides, do you think you’re greater than our ancestor Jacob, who gave us this well? How can you offer better water than he and his sons and his animals enjoyed?”
Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again.
 But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”

Blessings on you as you prayerfully seek God in this time.

Dan Kyte

Relate Valley Dream Team



Pray for: God’s Presence

Psalm 84

Pray that God gives everyone at Relate Church a deep and sincere desire for relationship with God. Pray that we’d all pursue the presence and power of God and that this longing is met with the manifest presence of God in our solitude, in our homes, and in our gatherings. Pray for the renewal and change that comes as a result of encounters with God.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Seven

My alarm went off this morning on my first day back to work after a little vacation and just like every other day of my life, the first thing I did was make a decision. In this case it was to get up. Apparently, we make around 30,000 choices in a day according to the internet. If I do the math, then for me that would be approximately 657,000,000 decisions I’ve made in my lifetime. Some of the best decisions I’ve made are to follow Christ and to marry Jacquie. Some of the worst being the time I water ballooned that professional wrestler’s vehicle, or the time I jumped out of a boat going at full speed, or the time I ate that gas station burrito, etcetera, etcetera. 

Some big, some small. Some that mattered and some that didn’t.

Our lives are the sum of our choices. This over that. God’s way or my way. 

But why do I want to make decisions God’s way? Why does it matter if I make decisions based on the Bible? The same reason I go to any owner’s manual when I want to know how or why. God’s blueprint for your life is the best for your life. He’s your creator, your designer. Who better to listen to? It’s not about appeasing Him, it’s about Him wanting your life uncluttered and uncomplicated. It frees your life when you make choices according to His Word. 

John 8:36 TPT So if the Son sets you free from sin, then become a true son and be unquestionably free!

Trust Him with those areas of your life that you know He’s asking you to surrender. Be more loyal to your future than your past. Choose Him. It’s not about being perfect in your choices, it’s about allowing God into your choices and if you miss it, I’ve heard it said that God is like GPS, always recalculating to get you back to Him and back on His path. 

Marvin McGee

Executive Pastor



Pray for: Wisdom

Proverbs 4:6-7

Pray for a holy perspective, wisdom and discernment to make the best decisions. Pray for God’s purpose to prevail. Pray for wise counsellors and godly friends. Pray for wisdom personally, and corporately - that we would be people who listen for the wisdom of the Spirit and have the strength and courage to follow through with what we receive.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Six

Worship has always been a big part of my life. My family was always involved in serving on worship teams, and are all musically inclined. But growing up, it always felt like it was just a part of church. I didn’t have a very thorough understanding of why we worship, and my perspective of it was quite naïve, at least until I was 16, and I spent part of my summer on a mission’s trip to Tactic, Guatemala, and I got to lead worship and serve families in severely impoverished circumstances.

On one of our first days in Tactic, we went to one of the elementary schools in a very mountainous and secluded village. This was one of the main parts of our ministry—we played soccer with the kids, made house calls to families to pray for them, sat in on classes and helped with their learning (in our very rudimentary Spanish), and led worship services with them every day.

For the worship, there was only one old, poorly maintained guitar that was available for me to play, the strings went out of tune very quickly, the worship team that had prepared for the trip was very uncoordinated, and so, we awkwardly stumbled through the songs we had learned in Spanish. As someone who wants to do things “right”, I was frustrated, and honestly, I felt embarrassed--if only I’d had my guitar from home, if only we’d been more disciplined in our preparation, I would have done a better job. But when the time came, these kids danced and sang along with so much enthusiasm and passion that it didn’t matter that things weren’t going perfectly, that the guitar wasn’t in tune or that we weren’t leading them as well as we could have.

These elementary school kids were entirely certain of their Saviour, and that was all they needed to worship with their entire selves. They could have despaired over what they lacked, but I witnessed a room full of eight-year-olds express with absolutely certainty that they had just enough, because they had Jesus.

When I was 16, I was too worried about doing things right than doing the right thing. I still worry about doing things right. We may not have a daily struggle with starvation, or homelessness, but some of us worry about making rent or our mortgage payments, how we’ll pay for school, or our other bills. We worry about our relationships, our jobs. These are not unimportant things, but when they aren’t happening how we’d hoped, it’s unfortunately easy to let our worry overtake us, consume us. To let the things that are going wrong be our focus. And when we focus on the things that stress us out or cause us anxiety, it can be difficult to worship, and easier to despair, and ask God “why?!”. We still have to face these things, but if we make the CHOICE to worship, even when things are difficult, our spirit can rest easy in the knowledge that whatever battle we are facing, every day, is not the endgame. Our circumstances may not change, but we, like these kids, can find security and more importantly HOPE in the TRUTH of what Jesus has done for us and does for us daily, and that is reason enough to sing, or write, or dance, or pray, or enjoy nature or however we choose to worship God, and by praising and honouring what God HAS done, IS doing, and WILL do, we remember that we don’t face anything alone. 

Ali Dueck

Relate Surrey Dream Team



Pray for: Our Local Church

1 Thessalonians 5:12

Pray for the leadership of Relate Church - for the pastors, the board, the staff and the dream team. Pray for their families, and that God continues to protect and strengthen them. Pray that every decision made will move us forward in God’s plan for us. Pray for increased influence and for the favour of God as we seek His Kingdom first. Pray that God brings the people necessary to help achieve His dream for us, and pray that He activates those already with us. Pray that many would come to know God, find freedom, discover their purpose and make a difference.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Five

Giving up numbness -
to experience living water.

Numbing is my tactic of choice.
It’s the easy choice.

Whether it’s drawing my rest in drinks with friends at the end of a long week, mindlessly scrolling Instagram, or having my Netflix queue on a permanent replay throughout the day so I don't have to contend with my inner monologue…

It changes day to day, but the results are the same. 

When you feel exhausted, tired, not only with the outside noise but sometimes more so your internal noise - our natural instinct is to seek rest in some form. Often it’s what the world tells us will do the trick.

The way of Jesus is to connect with God. Jesus also calls us to himself. He offers living water. A source that forever quenches and never runs dry.

I have always had a hard time with the spiritual disciplines. I have grown up hearing that there is a checklist you must constantly be working to get through. So that you may constantly be aware of your depravity. The point of it all is that you feel weak because you are and no matter what you do, you won't be good enough. It’s been DOING these things, earning a legalistic lash for each one, so that you may bear the scars of proof to hopefully hold onto your salvation.

It was never following the ways of Jesus so that you draw your strength from him. 

Finding true rest so that you gain what you truly need to keep going.

Drinking from the fount of living water.

Feeling hungry through fasting food, depriving ourself of those fleshly things that give us "rest". "Starving the flesh.”

It leaves us in a weaker state, a state of needing him even more. If we choose in that state of weakness to turn to him, spend time with him, be empty cups for the holy spirit to fill... through it we gain the greatest strength. His grace is sufficient for us. Hallelujah for that! So why do we need this?? 

It comes down to relationship. 

That "rest" I truly crave, God already modelled for us, in the creation story, and as Jesus did in his life. It is sabbath. It's time with him.

Instead I take the easy route, that is often at my finger tips, to numb the noise instead of divinely silence it. Jesus lived as he did, fasting, praying, getting away to the quiet place to connect with his father, to draw his strength to continue his ministry, and in the end, fulfill the prophecies and call us all unto him by making the ultimate sacrifice. So that we can spend eternity with him.

Do you see it there again?


These things aren't just for God, indeed he is glorified, he always sits on his throne. It's also a gift to us. One that if we take and make it a part of our lives, not just a fun thing to use as content for social media, or as a legalistic check mark, but truly make it a lifestyle of communing with him… we will find strength to keep going. Keeping in tune with our creator, our life source, our wellspring. So that we may continue the great commission on our lives, while living freely and lightly.

My favourite version of Matthew 11:28-30 is from the Message paraphrase by Eugene H. Peterson, one that has been brought to me over and over again as I have searched for Gods heart on all this. I hope it speaks to you as deeply as it has to me.

 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Olivia Driediger

Relate Valley Dream Team



Pray for: Healing

1 Peter 2:24

Pray for an increase in healing in our House, that we would see the miraculous power of God bring miracles, signs and wonders. Pray for healing - body and soul - for each member of our church family.  

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Four

In Matthew 4, we read the account of Jesus, led by the Spirit, heading into the wilderness. In this time, Jesus seeks after greater intimacy with his heavenly father, which provides Him with the strength to overcome the temptations of the enemy. The means by which he does this is through prayer and fasting.

It is interesting to think that these two seemingly separate acts work in tandem to provide Him with such clarity. In our 21st century framework, we would view prayer as a “spiritual” activity, while fasting is seen as something quite personal. One is for God; one is for us. You would think that Jesus, being the son of God and all, could simply take 40 days to pray alone, without the need to fast. Yet, this isn’t the case. Fasting is a central aspect to his time in the wilderness. Why is this the case?

In James K.A Smiths book “You are What You Love”, Smith discusses the idea that since the emergence of enlightenment thinking, we have seen ourselves as primarily “thinking things”, meaning, we are led by our intellects. We are like human containers; whose primary goal is to absorb information and then withdraw it when needed. However, the conclusion Smith comes to is that we aren’t led by our head, but instead by our desires (our heart). All you have to see is someone who is experiencing pain or great love to see that something other than their intellect is leading them. Our desires then in turn end up forming our daily habits. With that in mind, our daily habits tell us much more about our heart than our head. 

I think it is in this truth that we find the answer as to why Jesus paired fasting with praying. As much as we want to compartmentalize our lives into neat and tidy separate spaces, we are simply unable. Our daily habits leak into our mental activities such as prayer. You and I are whole beings. This means that what we consume, be it food, shopping, relationships or Instagram will inevitably have an effect on our prayer life. 

The act of fasting is taking time to process what we intake and take account of how it may be pulling us away from the most important thing. It is releasing what can so easily take the spot that belongs to God. It reminds us of our limitations, and our need for God. 

What better way to begin this new year (and new decade) than by reflecting on our consumptions and their relationship with our awareness of God. We have the opportunity to prioritize what is truly important. Today, let’s choose to receive God’s great love over our base desires. Let’s resolve to focus on what we are gaining in this time, over what we have given up. As tempting as it is to focus on the latter, let’s remember that given the choices, Jesus is a better pick. Always.

Brandon Donnery

Youth and Young Adults Director


DAY 4 - JANUARY 9   

Pray for: Community

Romans 12:5

Pray for the people God has brought into YOUR circle. Ask him for unity, and ask that He would bring others to the table. Ask God who, specifically, he’d have you friend, serve and encourage in this season. Pray for our Relate Groups and those whom God is connecting. Pray that we would be a community that reflects the love of Jesus through our care for one another. Pray that true life change would happen this season in the context of close fellowship.